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Writer's picturethefrothfamily

Toilet Training Before 18 Months Of Age

Updated: Jul 23

We have recently toilet-trained our daughter while traveling overseas just before she turned 18 months of age. I decided to document the journey in the hope that our experience may be helpful to other mums/dads/grandparents/caregivers who were looking to give it a go but thought maybe it was too soon or just wanted to hear about it from someone else rather than a paid course or mentor.

mum and dad holding their baby out climbing in the mountains in turkey

We had our fair share of pushback and confusion when speaking to friends and family about it, but I am here to tell you that it is possible and for us it's been totally worth it.

Continue reading to see how we did it, laugh at our highs and learn from our lows.

A quick note - each child is their own incredible, independent and unique self and this is our experience only. Not all children may be 'ready' to train at this age, but we identified that Kaia was and we pushed forward with it. This is our journey.

Words of Wisdom (that I needed to hear multiple times)

  • Identify signs of readiness before starting

  • Prepare to be cooped up for at least a few days

  • Be confident and consistent but most of all kind and compassionate

  • Keep it fun, exciting, and enjoyable

  • Know that it is a skill that they need to learn and trust that you are the best teacher

  • When the going gets tough, don't give up

  • The first few days will be absolute chaos

  • Surrender to the experience and let go of all expectation

  • 2 sets of hands are better than one. Get help (if you can), especially for the first few days

  • Expect a lot of steps forward and backward, progress is not linear

  • You think you need 5 pairs of undies? Buy 10. 15 even

  • Two-piece clothing is your friend

  • I often questioned if we should revert to nappies or if it was 'worth it'. Don't doubt yourself. It is not easy but it is worth it.

Our Key Points & Milestones

  • Our signs of readiness included: Calling wees "wer wer", holding her nappy, being interested in toilet and us being in the bathroom

  • The first three days were awful

  • Day 4 was a half-good day

  • Day 5 it started to click

  • Day 8 was awful. We nearly gave up and went back to nappies

  • Big wins came at Day 12

  • Day 15 it all started coming together

  • Watching for your child's cues is critical

  • We started on a potty (first 4 weeks) then transitioned to the toilet (took a few days)

  • We did no nappy at all during awake time

  • We still use a nappy for her unconscious hours (nap and overnight).

The calm before the storm, our last day in nappies.

Tomorrow is the day! Day 1.

We had been waiting for 'the right time', we just didn't know when that would be. We decided about a month ago that it could be this time next month after I experienced severe period-induced discomfort and we couldn't climb for a few days anyway.

We knew if we were going to do it, we had to give it 100% and that meant being at home for a few days. We also only had a month left in Turkiye so thought it was now or never before we ended up back in transit and unknown accommodation.

We don't know when you're 'meant' to toilet train, nor do we really care. We tend not to do things the 'normal' way anyway. For us and our lifestyle having Kaia out of nappies as soon as possible was a priority as we are always out and about and on the go. We live out of backpacks, we don't have room for nappies! and the cost not to mention the environmental impact of disposable nappies is burdensome and was constantly on my mind. Kaia was showing signs of readiness so I wanted to act now rather than later.

A week ago we bought a potty and have had that in the living room, letting her explore and sit on it, telling her it's the potty, etc. We thought about going straight to the toilet to not have to 'retrain' that transition but she still seemed a bit little to us. In hindsight, the transition from potty to toilet was quite seamless and a lot easier than I had anticipated (more on that later on).

This afternoon we went to find some little knickers as we wanted to just go no nappy straight away. I did not realise how hard it would be to find knickers for her age in Turkiye! but we did find some in about the 5th store we tried.

Emotions were running high, first pair of knickers for my baby girl! We got back and had a chat about a game plan. We both agreed on no nappy during daylight hours for a few days at least. Take note of when she's going throughout the day and get her on the potty when she is due.

little girl holding up her first pair of knickers before toilet training

We have no idea how this is going to go but let the next parenting adventure begin!

Day 1: 25th April 2024 - Kaia 16 months and 3 weeks

Summary? Yeah, not great.

We got one wee in the potty and 8 or so accidents (writing this at 4:39pm, anticipating a few more). Jacob and I agreed on almost everything except whether to put knickers on her straight away. I think no knickers, let her climb on and off the potty and figure it all out herself. Jacob thinks knickers as that's where we are going, take them on and off for each potty. It's time-consuming, sometimes she says "wer" and goes to get on and then your having to take her off, take the undies off, put her back on and by then shes lost the thought (that's how I feel anyway).

We usually get out every day and have been in the flat all which in itself is draining for us as adventure people. Getting towards the end of the day we are both a bit antsy and I am sure she feels it too. The biggest thing I wanted was a low-stress and pressure environment for her to learn, explore, make mistakes, and hopefully figure it out.

Trying to keep positive that this is day 1, let it be, "whatever" so to speak, and try again tomorrow.

Day 2:

Starting today with a fresh mind and perspective. Discussed the use of toys and screens and how to keep her on the potty and interested. Watched a couple of YouTube videos. Decided we are probably trying too hard and to back off. No potty in the middle of the room surrounded by toys and no screens. We moved the potty into the bathroom and agreed on a more laid-back approach to just see if she would take herself to the bathroom and go from there.

I am worried we are trying too hard and making too much of a fuss about it.

Yeah, I don't know, I am worried we are 'trying too hard' and making too much of a fuss about it. This afternoon she seems anxious. We knew she needed to go she kept saying 'wer wer' and walking around in circles but wouldn't stay on the potty. She finally let it go in the lounge room and she looked nervous. She is visibly more tired (even though we haven't done anything) and is much more cuddly. It must be so much for her little brain to process and I really feel for her. We are just trying to show her all the love, support and nurture that we can.

We agreed to back right off and just let her at it, I have no idea if we are doing the right or wrong thing and am now even doubting if she is ready or not. I know we both decided she was ready but now I just don't know. I feel nervous and anxious and am not confident at all.

Day 3:

Yesterday was a big 'wtf' day. I didn't write much because I was not in a good head space. It was a down day. We felt like we weren't getting anywhere, I had no idea what we were doing and was conscious of making things worse. Kaia was starting to hold because she didn't want to go on the potty and Jacob and I were starting to challenge what was and wasn't working and how we should move forward.

I thought after 3 days we would see some consistent prgress but honestly, it's all over the show.

I thought after 3 days we would see some consistent progress but honestly, it is all over the show. We were writing down all the times, to try to put her on the potty before she needed to go, but the times were so inconsistent it just wasn't working. Sometimes she would wee then wee 10 minutes later, sometimes it was an hour and a half between!

Jacob got one wee on the potty and was chalking it up as a win but he sat with her and sang for 45 minutes and I can't help but feel like it wasn't really a win. He suggested we stay with her for longer on the potty so that she had the chance to relax and go, whereas I thought giving her 5 minutes and then letting her get on with the day and try again in another 20 minutes or so was a better approach.

We are always outside and spending now 3 days indoors is just about killing us. As soon as she did a wee I dressed her and take her down to the courtyard to kick the ball. She was playing for 30 seconds before she pooped herself which was a nightmare to carry her back up 6 flights of stairs without us both getting covered in it. Dealt with that then thought we would try again. Played for a few minutes then wet herself. Back up the stairs we went. We did not leave the flat again.

I went for a walk in the afternoon to get some fresh air and took an extra lap because I did not want to be in the flat anymore. When I got back we chatted about a few things and decided to not spend too much time with her on the potty, not taking her there all the time but moreso watching her for cues or signs she needs to go and if she does quickly grabbing her and running her there all positive and happy to see if we could get her to finish on the potty rather than letting her finish on the floor. This also meant we lost the undies and went completely bottomless.

a mumma and her daughter laying on the bed

I am so grateful that Jacob and I both get to be full-time parents but sometimes I wonder if it would just be easier if one of us took the reins and dealt with it rather than us both trying, probably too hard, and not really getting anywhere.

Day 4:

Right - a bit of a win today. I am going to call that and hopefully not regret it (she's having her lunch nap now so only half a day is done). I let her be this morning until she wet herself after waking up then scooped her up and ran her to the potty. She cut that wee off. The next 2 times it happened I scooped her up and ran her to the potty and she finished on the potty. I was taking that as a win because she was registering the wee on the potty. The 3rd time she cut it off but the 4th we managed to get a standing wee on the potty. I had her in there after lunch because I KNEW she needed to go. She fluffed around for a bit then stood up and did a wee and called it 'wer wer'. It might not be much for day 4 but I am calling it progress. See how this afternoon goes.

Yep, knew I shouldn't have called it. Not a great afternoon. Holding on all afternoon. Ended up taking her downstairs outside for a little bit. Did a wee in her undies instantly. Brought her back up and took her back down. Then a poop. Dealt with all that and just treating it as a reset. Did a big wee at the dinner table. See if we can get through to tomorrow and what that looks like.

Day 5:

I am writing this from a cafe in town, had to get out for a few hours this morning before we all eat each other. I think we are getting somewhere though, before I left she did a big poo on the potty which we both chalked up as a huge win and good start to the day. We both said whatever else happens today, that's a win.

It's crazy to see how much it is mentally exhausting her. We can be out and about all day in a stimulating environment and she's nowhere near as tired as she's been the last few days. She is trying so hard and she is getting it. She's putting the pieces together, she knows where she has to go and what she has to do and is learning to hold and control her bladder too. Big credit to her, she's had disposable nappies on her whole life and it must be a lot for her to process. Jacobs doing this morning and I'll do this afternoon, at the end of the day we both need to keep sane in the process and there's no point all 3 of us cooped up in the flat and us both watching her like a hawk all day and being borderline miserable in the process.

We decided today to be even more chill and let her take herself in and out of the bathroom rather than taking her in and sitting with her. She knows now that's where she needs to go, and she's learning to hold her bladder and what the feeling of being busting feels like so there's no more wees every 10-30m it's more like every 1-1.5 hours which I think is more 'normal' as her bladder develops.

dad cuddling his daughter on the couch looking out the window at the birds

OK wow. Day was good. Afternoon was good. Maybe I just needed to leave the house? I got back while she was napping and Jacob said they had a really chill morning, she was taking herself into the bathroom some accidents, some half wee on potty but all in all a much nicer and more chill experience. I nearly didn't believe him until the afternoon. It was so nice to see her going in and out the bathroom herself, getting on and off the potty, saying 'wer wer'. I think she did 3 poos in the afternoon (not on the potty) but I counted that as catching up from the stressful days before when she was probably holding or not finishing properly.

We dont have it dialed yet but I feel must more positive about it and like we are moving forward.

We don't have it dialed yet but I feel much more positive about it and like we are moving forward and she's learning and it's a much less stressful and more positive experience for everyone.

Day 6:

We decided to get out today, we needed to, we wondered if it might send us backwards a bit but decided she was going really well and we all needed a break. We spoke about doing undies under nappy and trying to get outdoor wees when we were climbing but we really didn't want to make the climbing experience stressful so decided to just nappy it and not feel guilty about that either. We were back for her nap so it was only half the day and we will see how this afternoon goes.

a little girl out in the mountains playing in her portacot

We slacked off a bit in the afternoon. We still did no nappy but weren't watching her so much. Had a few accidents but did walk to the bathroom a couple of times. I think we all just needed a bit of a break and we try again tomorrow.

Day 7:

Onto it again today. Did a random poo on the floor this morning with no warning. Ran her into the potty but she cut it off. Had 2 big wees, first time she walked into the bathroom and went on the floor and I quickly put her on the potty and she finished on there. 2nd time we were already in the bathroom and she did a random wee and I put her on again and she finished on the potty. Not the best not the worst. 3rd and 4th wees were random and she didn't go to the bathroom :( not feeling great about it all and definitely feels like a step backward. She's calling it 'wer wer' when she's doing it, and sometimes going to the bathroom but not on the potty.

Yeah so she's having a nap now and I feel pretty crap (no pun intended) she's just been weeing everywhere, on the rope, on the couch, with no effort to go to the bathroom the last couple of times whereas this morning I was thinking oh at least she knows she needs to go to the bathroom. See how this afternoon goes.

The afternoon was not much better. The end.

Day 8:

We were hoping for a bit of a breakthrough this morning with a fresh mind and a bit of effort from Kaia and the can-do attitude she usually has. It is not what we got. Before 9am Jacob had cracked it and I was in tears. Feels like we are right back to square 1. I will go into the bathroom when I know she needs to go and she will follow me in and shut the door. She will sit on the potty but do nothing then we walk out and she will just go on the floor.

Emotions were high, I was holding back tears and Jacob was visibly frustrated.

Her last 3 poos over 2 days have been cut off as we have picked her up and run her to the potty. I could see how uncomfortable she was this morning she needed to go so bad but would not go on the potty. We ended up saying whatever stop trying, asking her, putting her on etc and let her get it all out and start fresh. She did a huge wee all over her toys and a poo on the floor. Emotions were high I was holding back tears and Jacob was visibly frustrated. I was trying to hard to remain positive but how can you remain positive though in this situation? Could this massive step back to square 1 actually be caused by going out climbing for half a day?

an emotional mum crying over toilet training

Our options are double down and start from scratch or give up and put her back in nappies. I cant see doubling down being good for anyone, signing up to another 5 days in the house would just about drive us all mad, Jacob says there is no going back now and we have to sort it out. I have headed out for a coffee, all we can really do at this stage is be on the same page as eachother and keep trying, aiming for some sanity in between. I suggested we decide on a plan and do half-day sessions with her so we can keep a fresh mind and clear head and keep on top of it as best we can.

Parenting. You just seem to get a little win, right when you need it.

We finally had a win, at the 11th hour, was just about to put a nappy on for bed and Jacob was on the toilet. She was running around saying 'wer wer' 'wer wer'. Ffs I thought this is 99% chance a false alarm but if I don't act on it and it isn't then I am an idiot. I told Jacob to get off the toilet and as soon as he opened the door she ran in sat on the potty and stood up and did a poo. Parenting. You just seem to get a little win. right when you need it! Tomorrow we normally go to the market. In 2 minds as to whether we still go or whether we stay here and dont f^ck the whole thing up again, or give ourselves something to blame it on if it goes south again.

Jacob and I managed a good conversation this afternoon, I wanted to just bail, put her back in nappies and try again in a month. If it's this hard then it shouldn't be I told him. But his mentality was the complete opposite he said we just need to tell ourselves she is toilet trained and this is just what it is now. We still go out, we have a million pairs of knickers and if she wets herself it is what it is and we deal with it, it's the only way she's going to learn.

At first it seemed a bit rough but I don't disagree either. Each day is one day closer to her being toilet trained like there is no going backwards, that's the way she's going and we may as well just get there.

Day 9

We started the day with a new mindset and a bit of a new game plan. Jacob essentially has told himself that she is toilet trained and it just is what it is now. Undies are on and we are not going to try to put her on the potty unless she's really busting. We talked about whether to rush her there if she started weeing and pooing or not, still going to try for the wees but just let the poos be and see what happens. We don't want to create any issues with poo holding which we have heard is pretty common.

It's Friday which means market day, we were also meant to catch up with friends we met online in town this afternoon. Last night was our eat-out night but instead we got takeaway and I am glad we did. We decided to still go to the market, undies then nappy over the top for the car seat. Dont know about this afternoon. We went so far backward last time we left the house and put a nappy on.

daddy daughter walking to the market holding hands

Straight after she did a wee we drove to the market, we were there and back in 1h20 and she held the whole way which was a bonus. For her lunch nap the nappy was dry when she woke up (2h15m) so another win. Other than that no real wins, no effort made to go to the potty and otherwise just weeing wherever.

At the end of the day Jacob and I need to be on the same page, thats the most important thing.

Our mindest now is that she is toilet trained and she is just going to have accidents. At the end of the day Jacob and I just need to be on the same page, thats the most important thing and the rest we can just figure out. As he said the other day each day is one-day shes closer to being toilet trained, theres no going backwards, one day she will be toilet trained and each day is one day closer to that.

We discussed whether we hunker down or get out and about like usual. We decided to do both. We prioritise being here and 1000% focus on toilet training. When we do go out (market, climbing etc) its knickers and nappy when in the car or cot otherwise knickers and accidents. It's the only way shes going to learn. Yeah its going to suck and be hard, especially out and about but I feel like the least we owe her is consistency.

Day 10

I'm going to start writing about and focusing on the positives. Yesterday they were - didn't wet herself on an outing to the market and back (40m in the car and 40m in the carrier).

Today started ok - would wee in the bathroom (not on the potty) think that's just us getting the times right. This afternoon just weeing everywhere.

Day 11

I think we have had a win today. Wasn't looking good this morning (1 random accident) but we went out climbing anyway.

My expectations were low. It was a bush dunny in the middle of a mountain.

We waited until the first wee then left straight away. 40m drive there then we both got a climb in. Had been nearly 2h since last wee and undies were still dry so I thought I would give the bush toilet at the crag a go. My expectations were low. It was a bush dunny in the middle of a mountain. Literally a hole in the ground with poop and sawdust thrown on top sheltered by some bamboo. I took all her clothes off and held under her armpits and started singing a song. She was kind of just looking down and not wanting to play with anything or run off so part of me thought we might be on here. Another couple minutes of singling and one of my spare fingers tickled her belly and the flood gates opened. 'WER WER' she shouted. YES THATS RIGHT I said. I don't think I've ever been happier about anything in my life at this point. So much praise, redressed her and back we went.

bush toulet on the climbing trail

About an hour later I was belaying Jacob on a project and she was having a great play. 'Wer wer' I heard. OK I thought. Then 'wer wer' 'wer wer' started coming thick and fast and in the panicky voice that usually means poopoo. I shouted to Jacob I think she needs to poop and he came down. By the time he was down she was squatting in the corner with her poop face and looking down at her feet. Oh ow she said. It's ok bubba girl let me get you cleaned up. I still counted it as a win, needed to poop, tried to tell us then pooped. We cleaned her up right away and got on with it.

Jacob got to work on his project a bit more then came down. We stopped at the climbing shop then a 40m drive home and she held the whole way! Went to the bathroom and as soon as we got home I chucked her on the potty and she started weeing. Big win.

The afternoon sucked, but the morning was really positive.

If this tells me anything it's that you just need to get out there and give it a go.

If this tells me anything it's that you just need to get out there and give it a go, don't let it consume you and don't be too scared to leave the house. There is one way that they will learn and that's by getting on with it. If (and when) it does go to shit (literally) just be prepared, empathetic, calm, talk them through it (and get on with it!) One thing I have noticed with Kaia is she picks up so much more than I think she does, so for the time being I am taking Jacob's lead and just pretending she is toilet-trained, and having accidents, and see where we go from here!

Day 12

Having a win. Jacob had a meeting at 7:30am so we headed out for a walk. Was hoping she would get 1 wee out before then (wakes at 6:30am) but no luck. We left at 7:29 and went for a walk in the carrier. Got all the way to the park just before 8 and Jacob said he was done so we headed back. I had 3 'wer wer' while we were walking and knew I either had to high tail it back and hope she can hold or try to find a public toilet.

It aint glamerous but we got there.

I guess Jacob's mentality is working on me because I thought well I am going to have to figure this out sooner or later so we walked into the first coffee shop and google translated do you have a toilet I can use please. They let me use the toilet downstairs and we stripped everything off. Shoes, socks, onesie, undies (I guess this is where 2 piece clothing will come in handy). Tried to sit her on the big toilet with no luck so stood her on the floor in the corner of the tiny cubicle and started singing. Felt like ages it was probably a couple min and she started weeing. Picked her straight up and she finished on the toilet. I was absolutely stoked. It aint glamorous but we got there. Cleaned everything up (carrying baby wipes and antibacterial wipes is now a requirement) and brought a coffee on the way out to say thank you. We then went back over to the park and played for an hour before heading back to the flat.

mum and daughter smiling

It's much like the baby sleep, yeah getting out and giving it a go is scary but you don't know unless you try! and quite often you might be pleasantly surprised. She held the whole way back home in the carrier then we did the same in the bathroom, wouldn't sit on the potty so put her on big toilet, didnt want that so back on the potty and supported under her arms. Singing and a little tickle on the belly and she did a wee in the potty! I couldn't believe it, first wee I can think of that's been 100% in the potty. 2 from 2 I was absolutely stoked. Especially cause we had been out and about and not miserable cooped up in the flat waiting for her to have an accident.

Poo o'clock came and I ran her straight to the toilet, undies off and she did the pushing standing over the potty. Only a tiny bit came out but I am still stoked, much better than pooing herself in her undies.

3 wins is 3 wins all before lunchtime, whatever happens, this arvo, whatever.

Day 13

Yesterday was a big win. Today we went out climbing again, did the bush toilet wee again! held all the way home then went in the bathroom at the house. Another great morning.

Afternoon was a bit rough again, seems later in the day she's just not as onto it. Constant small wees and no real effort to go to the potty or the bathroom.

She's definitely learning and getting a grasp of it - it's just taking a lot longer than I thought. We keep keeping on, remain consistent, supportive and positive.


Officially 2 weeks in the toilet training department! We went for a walk this morning and she did a wee at the cafe again so that was a bonus. Won't sit on the big toilet and doesn't squat (yet), wants to wee standing up so we need to work on that. I pick her up straight away and put her on the toilet and she finishes there.

The rest of the day was pretty tragic but I think she's got something else going on, she has been really full on all day in all aspects. I'm glad we got the win this morning otherwise it would have felt like a backwards day. *later this day she had her first molar pop through. Explains a lot!

I think it's just going to be about stepping stones and one thing at a time. I am happy with the fact she's holding in the car and while climbing and then weeing on command essentially when I do get her to some kind of bathroom so that's good, just need to work on a squat or sitting on a bigger toilet.

Learning her cues has been a big one and also understanding her mood.

We will keep on keeping on. At the end of the day it's 2 weeks of only nappies at night or for a nap (and over knickers when we go in the car seat, carrier or cot). Learning her cues has been a big one and also understanding her mood. Some days she's much more willing to make an effort than others, but she is a busy little toddler and has a lot going on!

Holy SHIT. Literally. What an afternoon. 4 wee's for 4. ALL on the potty and just now did a poo on there too! What a complete 180 and our most positive afternoon yet. I'm off to buy a beer.

Day 15

Wow. What a turnaround. We went climbing this morning, had a wee on the potty before we left. Had 2 accidents out but I think we got the timings wrong. Jacob was climbing and she was saying 'wer wer' and I couldn't get her into the bush quick enough. She held the whole way home and went on the potty straight away. Had a 2h nap and woke up dry. Put her straight on the potty and wee in under a minute. This afternoon calling 'wer wer' and running to the potty and we are doing her undies and she's going instantly.

a happy girl in the mountains
I honestly can't believe it. It's like it's all clicking for her now. She is so proud as well. Happy tears.

I honestly can't believe it. It's like it's all clicking for her now. She is so proud as well. Happy tears.

Day 28: 23rd May 2024

So I got my period yesterday which means it's now been a month since we started the toilet training!

The days between day 15 and 28 were relatively uneventful and essentially she IS now toilet-trained. Going on the potty, taking herself there, we are helping her with the undies and she's starting to pull them down and (trying) to pull them up after too.

We still put a nappy on at night and for her nap, most naps she wakes up dry. Overnight she is not, it doesn't bother me at all. I don't wish to 'train' her during her unconscious hours and I believe this will just come with time and as she gets a bit older.

Honestly, I am so proud of her (and us) for sticking it out.

We have the occasional accident, usually if she has something going on (she's had her first two bottom molars come through the last 2 weeks!) but we have had a good few days of no accidents and honestly I am so proud of her (and us) for sticking it out.

Yesterday we unlocked the toilet (instead of the potty) which was a huge relief how quickly that happened. We only have 2 weeks left in Turkiye and I was starting to wonder if we were going to have to try buy another potty in Bulgaria or a seat insert or something but remained hopeful that she may be able to go on the big toilet (with help) so we didn't have to worry about buying anything else or her taking 50 steps backward with the travel and adjustment to a new place (which I am still a bit nervous about but not too worried as shes traveled ongoing for the last 9 or so months).

a happy girl in the local cafe

With transitioning to the big toilet I just started waiting until I knew she really needed to go (i.e. woken up after a nap with a dry nappy or we have been out for more than an hour with no accidents and just chucking her straight on the big toilet. Initially she would try to wriggle straight off so I put her on the potty and she would go straight away but within a day she would just sit there and do a wee. After 2 days she is doing all wees on the big toilet and doesn't mind being held there which is huge for us.

Poo's she's still more comfortable on the potty and that's ok. I am not pushing that on the big toilet yet because I know it can be challenging for a lot of kids. She's happy doing them on the potty so we will give all wees on there another day or two before trying poos on there.

I am so glad I wrote about this because you forget how hard it really was but I believe so worth it.

Honestly I can't believe it's been a month now. I am so glad I wrote about this because you forget how hard it really was but I believe so worth it. She is still 1 week off being 18 months old and she is I would say toilet trained.

Some days are better than others and it is not linear but it's about tuning in and understanding your child. If she's having a bad teething day or had a rough sleep (I think we have been battling a bit of the 18m regression) she will have a bad accident day but other than that shes been pretty consistent.

It was only another day of trying and she's now happy pooping on the toilet instead of the potty. We leave Turkiye this week so everything has just all come together at the perfect time.

We get out and about now pretty much unimpeded by the whole thing. The ultimate beneficiaries so far of the whole thing have been the local cafes. When she needs to go she needs to go! So we duck in wherever we can. We have purchased many a strawberry milkshake and more recently in Bulgaria we are loving the ice chocolates. Mum will never say no to an extra coffee either.

If there's any words of wisdom I can give it's don't be afraid to give it a go, trust your intuition as a mother/father/caregiver. Learn and watch for their cues, give it your all and pick yourself up after the down days. Also, maybe don't do this if you're also weaning breastfeeding. I don't know who thought it was a good idea to do both at once but if I had my time again I probably would have left one for another time. Above all else keep it an enjoyable learning experience the best that you can, understand they are trying, be kind, and empathetic, and give them lots of love. It is a lot for you but it's a lot for them too and above all else they need to feel supported by you.

Til next time,


What age did you toilet-train your little ones?

  • < 12 months of age

  • 12 - 18 months of age

  • 18 - 24 months of age

  • 2 - 3 years

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