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Writer's picturethefrothfamily

when things don't go to plan

Today was just one of those days.

You can plan plan plan all you want and think you’ve done everything for the day to run smoothly but sometimes it just doesn't. I’m not going to sit here and say every day is great and rainbows and jelly because the reality is not every day is great, and that’s ok.

dad walking into the jungle in Thailand ready for rock climbing with his gear and baby cot

It's extra shit when you go to all the effort, and it still doesn't go to plan. Sometimes we get out there, lugging the cot and the million and one things (on the back of a bike!) to set up and be ready for the day. Then it might rain, baby K might crack it for no reason, or something else goes wrong.

Jacob and I have caught ourselves a couple times being like why fucking bother, what’s the point, it’s all too hard, maybe we should have waited until she’s older, maybe we shouldn’t have bothered trying...

But it's the hard times that make the good times that much better. When everything feels like its going wrong it makes you appreciate all the little things that little bit more and reminds you how lucky you really are, just to be here in the first place.

mum rock climbing on limestone in Thailand

Today we got out there, all set up. Conditions were good (we had to bail early yesterday because it started raining, and well, if her cot gets wet we are quite literally fucked. There weren’t many people there (bonus) and we got a couple of climbs in. Then sure enough out of nowhere, right as we were about to put her down for a sleep – what felt like a million people rocked up, they were instantly everywhere and SO loud. For fuck sake we muttered at each other, every fucking time.

Do we try high tail it back to the accommodation Jacob suggested, no, I said, he still had quickdraws on the wall, had a good couple of climbs left in him and there’s no way she would have made it back to our accomodation then gone down for a sleep.

Somehow we managed to take a deep breath and keep it together, moved her cot away under a beautiful tree, set her up for sleep, sat down and honestly crossed our fingers and hoped for the best. Sure enough, she surprised us again, and fell asleep with no issues.

I am so grateful I thought to myself. Look at this, we are out climbing in the jungle in Thailand, Kaia is having a nap under a tree and we are about to get climb in. I closed my eyes briefly and smiled. How lucky are we.

dad rock climbing on limestone in thailand

I like coming back and writing about these times because it allows me to reflect. We so easily could have stressed, spat it, packed up and left in a puff and let it ruin the whole bloody day. But instead, we just gave the situation the benefit of the doubt and let be what was going to be.

Taking the time to work through each little hard time as it does inevitably arise, paving the way to make the most out of each part of every day.

We really are so lucky to be here.

Til next time,


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